The Asian Spa – Hakata Doll
When you take the house Tour on our website you will see pictures of the six downstairs common rooms, the very popular Asian Spa bathroom being one of them. It is here where guests can relax and melt away the tensions of the day. But that relaxing feeling does not just come from using the whirlpool tub or the sauna but also from the warmth eliminating from the small, luxurious touches and artifacts that one finds in the room.
One artifact that catches the eye of a guest is the Hakata Doll that sits under a glass dome on a wind up musical pedestal and has been in our collection for 40 years. So what is a Hakata Doll? These earthenware dolls originated in the 17th-century and are made from clay that is found in Hakata Japan. The clay is formed into a human figure, fired unglazed and then colored with clay paints. The Hakata doll images as seen here represent males, females, and children all in different poses, shapes, and forms. Our doll is in a sitting pose holding an origami crane.
So when you use the Asian Spa please say hello to our little Hakata Doll, wind up the pedestal and enjoy the little tune that will surely add to your sense of warmth and relaxation. Visit our Instagram page to hear the song from the Hakata Doll.